Re: e[Evolution] Evolution 1.2: syncing a pilot-like device

I answer this with reluctance, knowing I'll see it 10+ times. ;-)

On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 20:32, Steven P. Auerbach wrote:
Lonnie Borntreger wrote: 
From: Lonnie Borntreger <email borntreger com>
Since he's already sync'd the clie before, he should use "Get from
Pilot" so that gnome-pilot will use the same pilot id as jpilot.

Lonnie Borntreger
I'm not sure if this is correct or not. I had already synced my Visor
many times, with a laptop (running Window XP) and also a Mac running
OSX 10.1. The only way I got the sync to work was by sending the ID to
the Pilot device, not the other way around. (Needless to say, this was
_NOT_ the first thing I tried, since it doesn't seem to make sense!)
Did you then go back and sync with WinXP or MacX? (nevermind, with the
list as it is, don't answer.)

I did the get, since I was also syncing with Win2k, and I didn't want it
to think I had a new device - and it worked like a charm.  Maybe
something platform dependent is happening.... your's is a Visor, mine is
a Palm -- they do use the same OS, but....  I never got the "duplicate
records" that so many others ran into either.

Anyway, I would try "getting" first, then, if it doesn't work, try
"setting" - if "getting" doesn't work, then you have nothing to lose.

Lonnie Borntreger

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