[Evolution] Feature request - quote filtering (was: Script-generated sigs)

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 12:30, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
what I'm trying to do is
change the initial quote strings such as in this email - at the top,
where it says:

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 10:15, David McNab wrote:

...THAT is what I want to change...(but I'm always mucking around with
different sigs and generation of sigs)

That inspires an idea for a feature - the ability to configure Evo
so that when replying/forwarding, the quoted text can be piped through a
script of the user's choice.

How about it, Evo devs?


Here's an example of a possible quoting filter script, one which labels
the quote differently when the message came from a Microsoft employee.
(assumes that arg1 is 'from', arg2 is 'subject', arg3 is 'date')


import sys

(mailfrom, mailsubj, maildate) = (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])

if 'microsoft' in mailfrom.split('@')[1].split('.'):
   print "On %s, this Microsoft wanker %s spouted off about %s" \
      (maildate, mailfrom, mailsubj)
   print "On %s, %s was heard to say" % (maildate, mailfrom)
for s in sys.stdin.readlines():
   print s

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