Re: [Evolution] kernel 2.5 and evolution

I must be missing something, but what on earth is this fix supposed to
accomplish?  It actually fixes something?

I can see doing something like:

if (getpeername (GIOP_CONNECTION_GET_FD(fd_cnx),
                 (struct sockaddr *)&fd_cnx->u.usock, &n)) < 0)
        fn_cnx->u.usock.sun_path[0] = '\0';

but blindly clobbering the path to the socket on the other end seems
like a bad idea.


On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 21:43, Ronald Kuetemeier wrote:
On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 10:41:43PM +0200, Mika Liljeberg wrote:
By the way, your patch is included in Debian unstable

--- orbit-0.5.17.orig/src/IIOP/connection.c
+++ orbit-0.5.17/src/IIOP/connection.c
@@ -459,6 +459,7 @@
     fd_cnx->u.usock.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
        (struct sockaddr *)&fd_cnx->u.usock, &n);
+    fd_cnx->u.usock.sun_path[0] = '\0';

 #ifdef HAVE_IPV6

It may not be the correct fix but at least it solves the immediate
It is the only place to fix it without interfering with other programs,
that's why I did fixed it there.
Good to see that some distributions prefer a stable system.



On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 20:23, Ronald Kuetemeier wrote:
On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 05:40:45PM +0100, Joaquim Fellmann wrote:
On Sat, 2003-01-04 at 02:13, Ronald Kuetemeier wrote:

Sorry but _NO_ it's not 2.5, Gnome is broken,
you can read all about it and get a patch on the evolution-hackers list.

Wrong too.
It seems to be Orbit assuming a kernel routine to return some value but
receiving something else. 
Actually it was a kernel bug (that got fixed) on which Orbit was
Problem is that Orbit didn't get fixed.
Maybe you should read the thread on evolution-hackers,and then contact some kernel hackers, Alan, Dave 
and Al come to mind.
My patch resets new 2.5 behavior for/in Orbit to 2.4 behavior. But the real problem is within Gnome, so 
far I only hear from the Gnome/Orbit maintainers it's the Kernel without any proof.  Just saying so is 
not enough, I know it's kind of hard to find a problem in a few hundred thousand kernel and 
Gnome/evolution source lines. Been there done that.  And if you take a look at the Gnome 2.X source you 
might find that it's mood to talk about this any further, if you understand the problem.

A message on the linux kernel mailing list is refering to a bitkeeper
changeset at the origin of the "evolution case". Before this changeset
Evolution is dealing right with kernel 2.5 and after this changeset it
doesn't work anymore.




Joaquim Fellmann <mljf altern org>

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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