Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.3: No reminders

Just curious... So, the config.xmldb file is no longer referenced at all
by 1.3? That would be real helpful so that if 1.3 gets into an unusable
state from some CVS changes, I could just run 1.2.2 using that same
directory - instead of swapping ~/evolution directories like I have been

Yes, this is correct.  The old file will not be removed, if you had used
a previous version.  But any new or changed settings will only be
written to the gconf configuration tables.  We will be providing a tool
(or more likely, an automatic initialisation step) to move the settings
from the original bonobo-conf database to gconf, but not the other way

BTW, once we have the configuration upgrade program setup, it will
probably be made to automatically upgrade your old settings, which means
it will read from the config.xmldb file, and may overwrite some settings
if you've used 1.3 before.  I might mail out some details of how to
purge some of the old keys too, as there will be a bunch of rubbish
lying around if you've run 1.3.

Filters, vFolders, saved searches, shortcuts and local mailboxes will
remain backward and forward compatible between 1.2 and 1.4, although not
always compatible with 1.0 (if you use imap or exchange folders for


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