[Evolution] Re: [Users] Auto add signature

On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 23:58, Alan Bort wrote:
Hey, I was wandering if there was a way to auot add a user created
signature, like making it the default signature or something alike.

Thanks a lot
In Evolution? Yes, there is. There is a signature editor, which allows
you to create signatures that are stored as html files within the
evolution directory, or to link to external scripts for people who have
a script-generated signature. It's possible to create a link to an
external signature file if you have one, but that requires some extra
work that I can get into if you're interested.

Once you have one or more signatures created in the signature editor,
they'll appear as choices in the properties of each account you have,
allowing you to choose which one will be set as your default. It's
actually a nicer system than in most mailers I've used, because not only
do you have your default, but on each message you can change from the
default to any others you have, or the autogenerated one, or to no
signature at all. And I've found uses for all of those choices, which
makes me very happy that the evolution developers made it possible to
have them.

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Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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