Re: [Evolution] No spellcheck for 1.2.1 under RH8?

CheckInstall is the best tool I found if you don't have spec files for
the packages, but it has some problems.  The logic behind CheckInstall
is that ALL modified files are included in the RPM package.  Even
unwanted files in /var for example.  Another problem I had with it was
that I had to re-enter all the package details on every build.

If there are spec files included in the package or available elsewhere,
you should use them instead.  If not it might even be better to build
your own spec files.  The first time is hard, but it teaches you the
basics of RPMs.  

I don't mean to diss this tool, but I used it a few times before
stepping away from it.  Still, it's better than a simple 'make install'
as root.

Just my 2 cents,


On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 03:37, William Pietri wrote:
For those RedHat 8 users, at least, I may have a solution for bug 35826,
the problem where spelling SIGSEGVs, SIGILLs, or just isn't active and
can't be enabled.

Thanks to help from Radek Doulik of Ximian, I discovered that installing
gnome-spell and aspell from source seemed to fix everything. When I
mentioned this, though, I received private mail suggesting that this was
too arduous for some.

I sympathized with that, as getting all the right development libraries
installed was a pain. So when I came across the near-magic automatic RPM
builder CheckInstall ( I
built some packages. I make no promises as to their utility or quality,
but I thought I'd pass 'em along anyhow:

As you can guess from the URL, these won't stay there forever; if they
turn out to be useful, I'll put them somewhere more permanent.

If you try these out, you may want to try following these other
Radek-recommended steps first:

      *  remove ~/.gnome/gnome-spell
      *  remove ~/.aspell*
      *  remove *spell* packages and reinstall fresh copies

Good luck! And let me know if they are of any use.


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