Re: [Evolution] Re: wierd vfolder naming problem

playing too much get's you in trouble...

I get a daily newsletter from a company called "".  When I
tried to create a vfolder, I instead created a vfolder called
with a vsubfolder called pa.

I didn't know you could create vsubfolders (or are they subvfolders). 
Could be useful in some instances.

Got curious after that descriptions and played with vFolders.

vFolders in a tree seem to be a nice option to organize them. But
unfortunately they are not cascaded. I mean, filters from the parent
vfolder rules are not inherited, every vFolder has its very own rules.

But not in this instance.  Is there any way to rename it to get in on a
single level, something like "law.com_pa"  If so, which vfolder should I
rename "", or "pa"?

To get vFolders in the tree to the top level, just drag-n-drop that
vFolder to the root 'VFolder'. Or create trees as you like that way.

Moving to the root gets rid of the 'sub/' part of that name.

You know, thats a GUI -- graphical user interface. Not just a console
with mouse-sensitive text... ;-)

OK tried two things -- 33% success.

Instead of right-clicking the vsubfolder and selecting Rename, I
selected Properties.  I renamed the rule, "law.com_pa.  The "pa"
vsubfolder disappeared and the vfolder "law.com_pa" appeared at the
expected hierarchy level.

But "" remained.  When I "opened" it, the list and preview panes
were replaced with a gray area and the text, "This folder cannot contain

I tried deleting the useless folder, got the delete confirmation, but it
persists. (Batting .500/50% success).

Wow, got that too. I created a vFolder 'sub/folder' and now I cannot
remove the folder 'sub'.

Problem: It is no vFolder. I can delete vFolders, but not that implicit
created 'folder'. :-/

That's seems like a bug.

More vFolder strangeness:

- Right click 'VFolders' root gives you the option to create folders.
What folders?? I can create folders there?? Seems not, mail folder gives

- Creating vFolder 'sub/folder' really creates a folder 'sub'. So I
*can* create folders? What folders?? Where are they stored??

- That folder 'sub' really sits there just to hold vFolders. It is a
one-way folder btw. I cannot delete or rename it. Moving is 'not
supported'. 'Properties' prompts me a weired warning:

"Trying to edit a vfolder 'vfolder:/home/guenther/evolution/vfolder;noselect=yes#sub' which doesn't exist."

So it is a vFolder? Is it a folder? Does it exist? (Damn, as long as I
can see and 'touch' it, it exists.)

Really strange things...

btw: Thanks arthur, now i have a stray [non]existing [v]folder... ;-))


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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