Re: [Evolution] Selecting URLs when Mozilla is already launched


I was having the same problem that Mike was. Your advice helped solve it
for me also. Although, I found that, besides changing default-show, I
also needed to change http-show and https-show.



On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 18:59, guenther wrote:

I have set up Mozilla as my default browser in the Gnome Control Center.
If I click on a URL in a mail message when Mozilla is already launched,
instead of showing the URL in the existing Mozilla window, Evolution
tries to re-launch Mozilla, which fails because it is already launched.
Is there a way to get around this?

What version of Gnome?

Check your ~/.gnome/Gnome file. You need gnome-moz-remote instead of
mozilla. It should look like that:

[URL Handlers]
default-show=gnome-moz-remote --newwin "%s"

gnome-moz-remote %s
 will only open a new mozilla, when none running
 displays the URL in the current mozilla (old content overwritten)

gnome-moz-remote --newwin %s
 will only open a new mozilla, when none running
 displays the URL in a new mozilla window

I use the following default-show entry:

default-show=/home/guenther/bin/mozilla-remote "%s"

With the attached mozilla-remote script (must be executable) it acts
like the --newwin option, but displays the new URL in a new *tab* if
there is already a mozilla running.

I don't loose the displayed URL and can even click multiple URLs and see
them all in the same mozilla.

Hope that answers all your questions...

Rick Friedman <thelinuxway mailworks org>

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