Re: [Evolution] Selecting URLs when Mozilla is already launched

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 18:59, guenther wrote:

I have set up Mozilla as my default browser in the Gnome Control Center.
If I click on a URL in a mail message when Mozilla is already launched,
instead of showing the URL in the existing Mozilla window, Evolution
tries to re-launch Mozilla, which fails because it is already launched.
Is there a way to get around this?

What version of Gnome?

I'm not sure how to tell. The Gnome Panel is version 1.2.4. I'm running RH 7.1.

Check your ~/.gnome/Gnome file. You need gnome-moz-remote instead of
mozilla. It should look like that:

[URL Handlers]
default-show=gnome-moz-remote --newwin "%s"

I checked, and I have this set-up, but I was running Evolution under the
KDE desktop. I switched to Gnome, and everything is working.

gnome-moz-remote %s
 will only open a new mozilla, when none running
 displays the URL in the current mozilla (old content overwritten)

gnome-moz-remote --newwin %s
 will only open a new mozilla, when none running
 displays the URL in a new mozilla window

I use the following default-show entry:

default-show=/home/guenther/bin/mozilla-remote "%s"

With the attached mozilla-remote script (must be executable) it acts
like the --newwin option, but displays the new URL in a new *tab* if
there is already a mozilla running.

I don't loose the displayed URL and can even click multiple URLs and see
them all in the same mozilla.

Very cool!

Hope that answers all your questions...


Thank you very much for your help,

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