Re: [Evolution] Change Addressbook View-Not Working?

On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 16:16, Joseph Mocker wrote:
I just tried this. I'm guessing that you are trying to edit a 
read-only view. My list shows two views with gray backgrounds,
and one with white. If I select a gray one and click edit,
nothing happens. If I select the white one and click edit,
and edit window pops up.

Hmmm... I'm actually trying to edit a Card View. I just created and
edited a Table View, but the number of fields I want to see is too great
to make a table view usable.

I guess the question I'm asking is: can I create a new Addressbook Card
View and edit which fields (and in which order they) appear in the view?

L. Mark Stone
Reliable Networks of Maine, LLC
477 Congress Street, 5th Floor
Portland, ME 04107

Tel: (207) 772-5678
Cell: (917) 597-2057
Email: LMStone RNoME com

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