Re: [Evolution] Modifying display of subject line

On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 17:57, Michael A. Peters wrote:
Is it possible to midify the display of the subject line so that
[whatever] is removed?

It's almost impossible to get this right. And you get it cross-polluting
subject lines on other lists when threads move from one list to another
or are cross-posted. You can't just remove the extra crap which is added
by those lists you _know_ about.

Your best bet, in my experience, is to visit the misguided mailing list
admin in the small hours of the morning, and 'educate' him with a blunt

It's easy for those few people who actually want the subject line crap
to _add_ it for themselves; it's hard for those who _don't_ need it to
remove it. Der...


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