Re: [Evolution] Evolution Blog

On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 05:56, HvR wrote:
how do i add it to my summary page?

     1. Open "Settings" dialog from Tools Menu
     2. Select "News Feeds" tab of "Summary Preferences"
     3. Click on "New Feed" button
     4. Put ""; in
        the URL box and give it a name.  Click Okay.
     5. Click on "Add" to add it to your summary page.


      Jeremy Prior  <jez netcraft com>
 Netcraft Ltd, Treenwood Ho, Rowden La, Bradford-on-Avon, BA15 2AZ. UK
       Tel: +44-1225-867932 (direct-dial)  Fax: +44-8700-517767

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