[Evolution] Missing "Palm Conduits" button in Control Center


I am trying to convince Evolution to synchronize with my PalmOS device. 

I am following the steps on 

The first slight difference is that that page writes about "Palm Link" which I 
should click to setup the link between the device; in my version, this is 
called "Pilot Link" though. But when I click it, I can perform the setup, and 
once I'm done, the information displayed is what I'd expect.

What I can't currently do is configuring the device to sync with Evolution. I 
am told to click on "Palm Conduits" in the Control Center, but there is 
nothing called like that to click on. I have the feeling that I'm missing 
some RPM, but haven't been able to figure out which one.

Can anybody help?

System details:
- SuSE 8.1
- Control Center
- Evolution 1.0.8
- pilot-link-0.11.5-7.ximian.2
- gnome-pilot-0.1.71-0.ximian.1
- gnome-pilot-conduits-0.10-1.ximian.1


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