Re: [Evolution] Character encoding specified in Content-Type field of outgoing messages

On Mon, 2003-04-07 at 19:35, Mikhail Ramendik wrote:
guenther writes:

So I am begging Evo on my knees to send it as ISO-8859-15. However, Evo
does not answer my prayers -- and the test mail got sent as
 Content-Type: text/plain
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

So what is wrong with my usual signature and the string "wird gesendet
als 8859-1 ?\n\n", that it _must_ be 7 bit and does _not_ fit into 8
bit? ;-))

I actually like the present behaviour.

Sure, as it leaves the message intact -- without guessing anything, that
you could not be sure about. You missed the part "no harm done" of my
previous post. There is nothing wrong with that.

What I had in mind was Dan's statement, Evo would take my preferred
charset, if it fits. That does mean, the message should have been sent
as 8859-15, though.

I have koi8-r as the default code set. It has an entire different
alphabet, Cyrillic. But when I write to international addressees (like
now) I only use 7bit letters. And I like the fact that Evo will *not*
mark this message as koi8-r. Otherwise, some Outlook user on the other
side of the ocean might have Cyrillic fonts automatically installed,
even though he could read the letter without them.

Same here. If all 7bit letters are a subset of koi8-r (sorry, I don't
know) Evo should respect your will and thus send it as koi8-r. Assuming,
the statement is right:

Dan said:
hint. "*IF* you can send this message in iso-8859-15, then please do so,
rather than using iso-8859-1". But if the message can't be encoded in

So IF 7bit ASCII is a subset of my preferred charset ISO-8859-15, then
send as that.  (In fact, substitute '7bit ASCII' by the body of my
ready-to-send mail.)

As my mail entirely consists of a subset of 7bit ASCII _and_
ISO-8859-15, why isn't my preference respected?

I suspect, Evo follows a slightly different logic:

  if ( subset_of( mail->body, ASCII ) )      // the difference
    send( mail, ASCII );
    if (subset_of(  mail->body, preference->charset ) )
      send( mail, preferred->charset );
      send( mail, guess_charset(mail->body) );

Of course, Dan, this one is for you. ;-)

Mikhail, again, nothing really wrong with that, as the mail gets to the
recipient like I intended.


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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