Re: [Evolution] Evolution changed my login

On Monday 25 November 2002 11:31 pm, Mark Gordon wrote:
OK, confirmed, it's a bug.

Thanks, Mark.  I really appreciate the candor.  At least it gave me an 
opportunity to learn how /etc/inittab, prefdm and  
/etc/sysconfig/desktop interact and work.  It is bad, though, because 
it diminishes trust in the installer.  

Think about it.  We run Linux in user mode because we don't trust 
ourselves to not make mistakes occasionally in super user mode.  But 
when we run the installer, we put blind trust in the installer and the 
package provider, who are total strangers.  Its like strong encryption 
-- it doesn't matter how strong it is if you give your password out.

 My system now has Red Carpet installed in addition to Evolution.

That's on purpose, so you can easily install updates to Evolution
and/or its dependencies.

That's fine, but I wish that it hadn't replaced so many other things.  
You guys pride yourselves on delivering a product that is familiar to 
MS Windows/Office users, and I think you have succeeded with a fine 
product.  One Windows thing I wish you did not emulate, though, is "DLL 
hell" -- where install programs replace shared libraries with versions 
that are incompatible with other software that the user depends on.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
mailto:arthur alexion com

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