Re: [Evolution] Deleting in Evol 1.2 using KDE

On Friday 22 November 2002 02:31 pm, Michael D. Lind wrote:
On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 12:39, rfoster columco com wrote:
 I remember in a past version there was the option to send deleted
messages directly to the trash bin so they dont sit in the in-box
with the strike-through lines.   I really want deleted messges to
go directly to the trash when I delete them with out having to do
the ctrl+e to expunge. 

View > Hide Deleted Messages

That is an acceptable work around that I too have been using, but it 
does not really do what rfoster wanted -- send messages to trash 
without the step of expunging.  This only hides the messages marked for 
deleting, but does not serve to do the deletion.  If, like me you are 
going to do it this way,  You still have to periodically expunge.

Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
mailto:arthur alexion com

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