Re: [Evolution] Visors now are "serial", not USB (Was: gpilotd exits with a "cannot open display")

On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 20:34, Richard Zach wrote:
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 23:57, Richard Zach wrote:
This on Evo 1.2 and RH 7.3:  When I try to synchronize my Visor via USB,
gpilotd recognizes the little machine ("setting PILOTRATE=115200") but
then exits with "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:".  Never did this
before I upgraded to 1.2 release yesterday. "xhost +" doesn't help.
Anyone else having this problem? JPR, what do I do?
I take it this is with 0.1.69?  Did you change the connection type to
"Serial" for the visor (this was in the release notes and an unfortunate
change, but necessary because of some brokeness).
Re: evolution digest, Vol 1 #1278 - 24 msgs
I have a Palm m515 and still set to USB.  Aside from calendar and tasks
duplicated after the upgrade, I can sync via USB.  I thought Palm m5xx
and Visors were similar, since they use the visor module for USB?
a) The change is only necessary for Visors. b) It still works over USB,
but you have to set the connection type to "Serial" and start gpilotd by
hand after pressing the HotSync button.  Why, I don't know.

JP is working on it.

Richard Zach ......
Assistant  Professor,   Department  of  Philosophy
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada

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