Re: [Evolution] More spell-check problems: wrong dictionary selected for suggestions

turns out i didnt have gnome-spell rpm loaded, i guess the prev version
of evolution didnt need it but the new one does, i wonder why the
red-carpet didnt find that dependency? i still have one problem: every
time i stop evolution with killev i need to re-enable spell checking why
is that?

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 08:02, HvR wrote:
so how come i dont see ANY choices for languages in my spell checker
option setting box? why did it work for the old version why not with the
new version? i downloaded the complete update of the evolution channel
with red-carpet.

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 04:37, Mertens Bram wrote:

I just upgraded my 1.0.8 to 1.2 and because I read several threads about
the spell-checking I decided to test it.

First of all: being able to change the language for checking the
spelling is wonderful! (It is one of the main reasons I wanted to switch
to 1.2)

The spell checker seems to be able to check the spelling against the
correct language but the suggestions always seem to come from the
"American English" dictionary...

I noticed this not only when I tried "British English" but also when I
selected "Dutch" or any other language...

e.g when the words: "color" and "colour" are checked the appropriate
word is marked as "wrong" but the suggested correct spelling is always

Other than that Evo 1.2 seems to work perfectly for me!

Thanks to everybody who made this possible!


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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