Re: [Evolution] Evolution + uw-imap + Debian Woody

[Sorry if this is a duplicate mail. I have waited +2hrs but the original
 Mail never showed up on this list.]

Am Son, 2002-11-03 um 17.18 schrieb Rob Walker:
On Sat, 2002-11-02 at 18:01, Matthias Hentges wrote:

Am Son, 2002-11-03 um 02.33 schrieb fejj peabody ximian com:
You probably just need to enable the "Check all folders for new mail"
option in the account editor.

Well i should have mentioned it in the first post....

It *is* checked. And Evo is set to fetch new mail each 3 minutes.

I am also having this problem with 1.0.8 from Debian unstable.  I have
also selected "check all folders".  I _was_ checking for mail manually
with F9, but have just selected "check every x minutes", to see if that
makes a difference.

Yes, manually fetching mail doesn't work, too. Some mailprograms read in
the complete imap-tree when you click "get new mail" but Evolution never
did this which is how i like it. (Rereading 30000+ Mails everytime would
be a PITA ;)).

However, Evolution always magically noticed new Mails in some Folders
(without a complete reload) which it now doesn't :(

It looks like other imap servers don't have this problem, but i dont
know any other imapd which supports mbox like uw-imap does.

Well there must be a cause for this problem. 
BTW: I downloaded a binary uw-imapd from the uw-homepage. Without
succsess. Same problem :(


Matthias Hentges
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My OS: Debian Woody: Geek by Nature, Linux by Choice

Matthias Hentges
[] -> PGP + HTML are welcome
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My OS: Debian Woody: Geek by Nature, Linux by Choice

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