Re: [Evolution] Fwd: Request for additions/corrections in Evolution


Am Don, 2002-05-30 um 08.04 schrieb Ken Barber:
I've been increasingly uncomfortable with the attitude of certain Evolution
developers on this forum concerning enhancements/bug fix requests from users.
I don't know if I even dare mention the two missing features that I will need
before I can switch.

Well, I think you mean this one thread I'm also thinking of ;)
I'm one the list since Evo 0.6 (that was loooong ago ;). I really like
Evo and in my opinion the developers are quite interested in
implementing features people want. But you also have to see that maybe
there are other problems at the moment that have to be solved. I really
like to have a stable Evo even if there is a feature missing. There can
be many bugs that are showstoppers for some people (with showstopper I
mean Evo doesn't come up / show up or is completely unusable)
(And I also think that one has to choose it's words carefully if he
wants something from someone; that's no critic to your post, which seems
to be okay to me)


1)  Ability to designate a program, rather than a file, as a signature (I use
a fortune-like script to autogenerate my sigs -- see an example below)

This seems already to being implemented in the devel version.
At the moment the devel version [1.1] seems to be kind of unstable, but
that will hopefully change soon.
If I correctly remember some people use FIFOs for this purpose at the
moment, but I also could be wrong, because I don't use those "features".

2)  I use GnuPG encryption extensively.  When I'm replying to an encrypted
email, I REALLY need the decrypted plaintext, not the ciphertext, to be what
gets quoted in the composer window.  Cutting and pasting is not acceptable;
it's a waste of time and I don't have to do it with my present mail client
(KMail just asks for my passphrase again, and then quotes the decrypted
message in a composer window).

Strange... You mean, when you hit reply the text is not decrypted or am
I misunderstanding something?
Here the decryption when replying works quite fine, I never saw those
problems (but I don't use pgp/gpg that often...)


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