Re: [Evolution] This messages crashes Evolution 1.0.5

On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 01:22, Not Zed wrote:

On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 00:01, Andrew Stubbs wrote:
Attached is a message which crashes the mail component.

Just try to import the file to reproduce the problem

Well i put it in my inbox, and it didn't crash, at least, not with the
HEAD version of evolution and gtkhtml.  Perhaps it is a bug that is
already fixed?

Good, I hope so.

Any idea when/how I can get an upgrade (for RH6.2)? I can't use
red-carpet because it won't recognise my system and I don't have time to
mess about with building things myself.


|  Andrew Stubbs,                 |  E-mail: Andrew Stubbs superh com  |
|  SuperH, Inc.,                  |  or      stubbsa superh com        |
|  2430 Aztec West,               |                                    |
|  Almondsbury,                   |  Tel:    +44 (0)1454 462325        |
|  Bristol, BS32 4AQ, U.K.        |  Fax:    +44 (0)1454 462701        |

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