Re: [Evolution] (no subject)

On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 02:27, Hong-Siang Teo wrote:
I know s/mine is not a feature yet, but bow are you guys handling s/mine
messages (.p7m) from Outlook users?

Currently, I have to perform the following every time - save to disk,
open xterm, run openssl | more. But I find this too much of a hassle. I
also cannot easily quote the message in a reply.

Any help is deeply appreciated.

Unfortunately that is what you still have to do.

We originally intended s/mime to be part of 1.2 but it got dropped
because of resource pressures.  There was some debate recently about
providing a simple interface using openssl just to get it running, but
it fell in a bit of a heap - with more interest and some help perhaps it
could be on the cards.

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