Re: [Evolution] Project =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=C4gypten?= (Free =?iso-8859-15?q?Software Sphinx-Clients?=)

On Sun, 2002-06-09 at 13:23, Andreas Kostyrka wrote:
Am Dienstag, 4. Juni 2002 14:32 schrieb Not Zed:
Never heard of it myself, Jeff?

Depends on how they do it, the work may or may not be suitable for us
(e.g. c++, or licenses which conflict).  I'd like to see s/mime working
Well, if you'd bothered to open the mentioned URL, you'd discover that Project 
Egypt is about implementing S/MIME for opensource clients.

We *did* open the link. Just because the project is trying to implement
S/MIME for OpenSource clients doesn't mean that it would work well in
Evolution, that is all that was meant.

If the S/MIME code was being written in c++ for example, we wouldn't be
able to use it since Evolution is not written in c++.

If the license wasn't GPL, we wouldn't be able to use it (Open Source
does not necessarily mean GPL).

If the APIs were custom designed for Mutt, it'd be very difficult for us
to use it since we do not use Mutt's mail API.


PS: it seems KMail does not properly encode Subject headers. You might
want to report a bug. They should specifically note rfc2047 Section 5.2
and according to rfc822, Subject does not allow 'ctext'.

first at least, which would probably provide interoperability at least.
There is the start to an extensible api for security which something
like this could slot into too.

Andreas Kostyrka                              +43 676 4091256
andreas kostyrka priv at                      andreas mtg co at

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj ximian com>

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