Re: [Evolution] building from cvs

On Tue, 2002-06-04 at 08:13, Rodrigo Moya wrote:

evolution looks for those libraries via gnome-config. So, gal and
gtkhtml install a files in $(libdir). So,
either install gal and gtkhtml in the same prefix as the rest of gnome
(that is, where gnome-config is, usually /usr/bin, means you'll install
them into /usr),

That makes me nervous, since a lot of GNOME depends on gal and gtkhtml,
and at least gal isn't guaranteed to be backwards-compatible.

or do what I do which is:

install gal/gtkhtml into /opt/gnome
link /usr/lib/ -> /opt/gnome/lib/ (the same for
install evolution into /opt/gnome

Interesting.  Could I just change the /usr/lib/ link for when
I'm compiling evolution?  In other words, is the /usr/lib/
script consulted at runtime at all?  I don't want to break my existing
installation of GNOME 1.4 and Evolution 1.0.5 (i'm using all of GNOME
from the Debian packages, except for evolution itself where I added my
Evolution patches in).

I suppose just remembering to switch the conf script links for gal and
gtkhtml when I'm compiling Evolution wouldn't be too bad; however, I was
hoping to find a solution which used something like GNOME_PATH so that I
could just compile gal and gtkhtml from CVS, stick them in
/build/evolution, and have evolution use the rest of the GNOME libraries
installed in /usr. 

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