Re: [Evolution] building from cvs

On Tue, 2002-06-04 at 10:35, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:

Hmm. Can't get this sorted out, it seems.

If I understand it correctly, I need gal, gtkhtml and evo cvs, the other
libraries should be ok from Debian unstable.

Could build gal, but how do I tell gtkhtml where my new gal is?
--with-gal is apparently non-existent.

evolution looks for those libraries via gnome-config. So, gal and
gtkhtml install a files in $(libdir). So,
either install gal and gtkhtml in the same prefix as the rest of gnome
(that is, where gnome-config is, usually /usr/bin, means you'll install
them into /usr), or do what I do which is:

install gal/gtkhtml into /opt/gnome
link /usr/lib/ -> /opt/gnome/lib/ (the same for
install evolution into /opt/gnome

of course, if you install into /opt/gnome, you'll have to define $PATH,


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