Re: [Evolution] Mail Summary

On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 15:28, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
I think this is related to what he saw.

Starting from yesterday's CVS retrieval, the new message count for the
folder list (in the shortcuts) only start showing a value after having
visited the folder once.  After that time, they maintain the count

Such as my inbox has 12 new messages, 3 of which are part of vfolder a. 
The shortcut for vfolder a will not show (3) until after I visit that
folder.  After that time, I can do whatever, and the count will be kept
up-to-date with new messages arriving or being deleted.

Ok, if it is a vfolder, then that was a bug that got introduced about 2
days ago and fixed yesterday (my time).  It might be related if it
wasn't a vfolder too).

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