Re: [Evolution] GPG signatures

On Fri, 2002-01-25 at 13:26, John Gateley wrote:
On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 19:19, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 17:53, John Gateley wrote:
I have a GPG signature that works in mutt
but not in Evolution, and it is NOT an
inline signature: it comes in two MIME
parts, one for the body and one for the
signature, just like Evolution does. Are
there any known bugs with Evolution that
would cause this?

[...]The problem comes in because
write_to_stream() is not guarenteed to write the MIME part out exactly
byte-for-byte the way it was in the original message (it's usually very
close - the problem is usually the QP encoding of the content, some
clients wrap lines at fewer chars-per-line than our encoder does).

I tracked it down: the message had <cr><nl> terminating
some of the lines, and Evolution is converting those
to plain old <nl> (actually deleting them)before
checking the signature.

Uh, I'm pretty sure you are wrong about what evolution is doing in this
case. Evolution *always* converts to CRLF before feeding it to pgp. How
did you go about tracking this down?

Are you just comparing what is in the mbox? because the mbox is stored
without the CR's (mbox files are not supposed to have CR's).



Public key at
Jeffrey Stedfast
Evolution Hacker - Ximian, Inc.
fejj ximian com  -

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