Re: [Evolution] GPG signatures

On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 19:19, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 17:53, John Gateley wrote:
I have a GPG signature that works in mutt
but not in Evolution, and it is NOT an
inline signature: it comes in two MIME
parts, one for the body and one for the
signature, just like Evolution does. Are
there any known bugs with Evolution that
would cause this?

[...]The problem comes in because
write_to_stream() is not guarenteed to write the MIME part out exactly
byte-for-byte the way it was in the original message (it's usually very
close - the problem is usually the QP encoding of the content, some
clients wrap lines at fewer chars-per-line than our encoder does).

I tracked it down: the message had <cr><nl> terminating
some of the lines, and Evolution is converting those
to plain old <nl> (actually deleting them)before
checking the signature.


Public key at

Attachment: pgpwlxTTrQsvn.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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