Re: [Evolution] no way to archive encrypted sent messages readable?

hoi, ian.

Am Fre, 2002-01-25 um 14.16 schrieb Ian Goldberg:
The way I do this is to arrange for my incoming mail to be decrypted
*before* it's stored in the evolution mbox (I use premail for this).
good point. but my question referred to my outgoing mail.
From a crypto/security point of view, that's what you want, anyway.
Otherwise, what do you do when you cycle your encryption key?  I store
my received emails pgp-decrypted, on an encrypted Linux partition.
well, i'm just interested: whats the difference between an encrypted
mail and an encrypted partition when your key changes?

thx, niels
                             |  /"\ 
[niels@|www.]  |  \ /  ASCII-Ribbon-Campaign
 pgp|gpg - mails preferred   |   X     Against HTML Mail
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