Re: [Evolution] can't vew .jpg images inline

I don't see anything like you said. here are some snippets.
Mime-Version: 1.0
then the rest of the message

begin 666 NoMarkers.jpg
then the image shows up as lots of text when I choose view email source.

So I'm guessing the original sender didn't have the proper encoding?



On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 04:24, Xavier Bestel wrote:
le jeu 24-01-2002 à 02:32, Seth Hollen a écrit :
My wife sent me an .jpg image file and Evo 's only options were to view
in xine or save to disk.After saving it nautilus recognizes it as an
image file.

How can I tell Evo to open >jpg file or view them inline?

Could you tell us under which mime-type did she send it ? Look at the
mail source (View->Message->Source, or something like that) for a string
like "Content-Type: image/jpeg".


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

Take care,

seth hollen org

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