Sorry guys, but I just gotta vent a bit. Red Carpet is a nice idea and all, but it is REALLY starting to get on my nerves! I can't remember a SINGLE time when it actually did an update/installation without some incomprehensible message. Error messages seem to have been taken from the Microsoft Error Message Manual :-) I understand that SuSE 7.3 is not supported, yet. But 7.2 won't work either (and the hack of editing /etc/SuSE-release to reflect 7.2 ain't working anymore). So I can't get Evolution 1.0.1 installed. I read the Knowledge Base on how to fix the dependency on libiconv2, which I did, but now whenever I try to download ANY updates, I get: "Red Carpet has encountered an error while trying to process your request: An error has occurred while Red Carpet was processing the dependencies for this transaction. This may be caused by an error in the package or on the server. You may want to try the transaction again with fewer packages. You should report this problem to red-carpet ximian com as soon as possible. Please include distribution information and the set of packages for this transaction. Information from the dependency system: Remove/install sanity check failed. Possible actions: Click Cancel to cancel." Lovely. My only possible action is to click 'Cancel'. No information on what actually failed, why, or how I might go about fixing it. Don't get me wrong, I love Evolution, and Ximian GNOME in general. Just that Red Carpet seems to have trouble with them both... Any ideas? dg (thanks for letting me vent!) -- -- "It works on the same principle as electroshock therapy." -Calvin auto-generated by the Calvinator(TM) -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see mQGiBDwCetMRBAC2Nxqh5qCANGGyGWyZ4Idc8nCd+pJge8dPR947KgU6yO4y6I0B 0IuWkG6gKk7T0RO+NnCQpKfLYa5kXAfmpqBclP/JZg0iTieCk4pV5z5CiQQLqYJz l4VnczC87HwxCrjIqHmyqCOZi1r5gr2n6bJZ7i1Fyr7PswDeUGLwqVOQ2wCgmb1r T4txrtFldzu97LpwMUvbMmUEAJI4MticjxxonOMFURxV4hTlHE1KzrnsIEs7X8zG ITiV8KIqwO2hktncwRxv0MyogJtyILd76a0wiDgthkCapKFpMwbpp7OxesJjf4G7 TgIArJoGoghrX1zNzpoLI53NEYHo/4zT0Pqqo0vDpq3auJzawGHZSOLeCbVHND9G 1G+MA/9nL/x7qtxnzoy0teWQ4bKewvRagZz2fIKIOJUkBa93rFEvvjftzb2pYzpy DUuf4DDcDNkrnaRrXWylXPbIbc+8nc5ySxMC3M/I7v2tAGP+aovnzCrjf8W6OJa7 B6x4F4Qk06OubP5mEKl9W+tGshLfg509PVbKjJdc6QUayxQOI7RBRGF2aWQgRy4g U2ltbW9ucyAoTXkgSG9tZSBQR1ApIDxkYXZpZC5zaW1tb25zQHNpbW1vbnMtZmFt aWx5Lm9yZz6IVwQTEQIAFwUCPAJ60wULBwoDBAMVAwIDFgIBAheAAAoJEJiHxI7k j+R6skAAn2JqWHLvnObhj7TUKwnwQCq+xnRaAJsFC3+shl80cybPwx5+yfa2iq0b /bkBDQQ8AnrZEAQAv0AoEHEZRoUORY5BbGjZbSkeMts0HHsyRXVJEXFSBDOCzexk fmg6X9CLJlk2bWyKSPCA4ogQJezRKQt9Nv7IHIZrWJ6rZtjUeXShvD2+pD5J9Vo0 9ReoH3nLHnDGT0vqbZb4xkNsbTIE3Rm97Kdvjz9W5res2U8h5nHyqcV4HzcABAsE ALR+PFfyLizMHSjtPWNvYFidGmTqPFl2eiL0OfT2slbnV0duO2q80BzbihUjdO0P 3QTOnxXpDo2ql80HoWau7sO6U9x59MpR4/HiSycA0XGlqmvJrBj0yVqB4+QLhZ3d yhBG3HipOpJCdRdr0IFz7dcv98W38JOC/KM04qqVrFNGiEYEGBECAAYFAjwCetkA CgkQmIfEjuSP5HrExACgljsudMMYtSHrEj23ZzEliel7RrUAniFatRr5QR+CycvB JSaDz8LwvEAs =I1ld -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
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