Re: [Evolution] Re: Feedback when checkbuttons are depressed

On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 10:55:35PM +0000, Sinzui Kobalt wrote:
How about this:

                  ,-----.     ,-----,     ,-----.
                  |     J     |   / J     | ___ J
                  |     J     |`./  J     |     J
                  `"""""'     `"""""'     `"""""'
                 unchecked    checked  indeterminate

Under what circumstances may a checkbox be indeterminate?  I don't have
a lot of Gnome/GTK programming experience, but this doesn't seem right. 
As a checkbox is optional, its default or indeterminate state should be
unchecked.  Right?  This problem sounds much like the inconsistencies in
HTML forms, where a checkbox is assumed to be unchecked if checkbox
isn't among the parameters because HTML forms don't send unchecked

Missed the beggining of this thread, but typically an 'indeterminate'
checkbox means than, in some kind of multiple selection, some of the
objects have this propery and some of them don't.


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