[Evolution] Migrating data after Evolution reinstall

Hello, I have my new computer (a Vaio PCG-SR17) but
when I try to copy my previous evolution data to new
system and it do not work propertly.

I copy the following files/directories:


I have all messages text and folders, but I am unable
to access addressbook and e-mail account data.

All e-mail data is encrypted(?) and the evolution see
something like: POP ACCOUNT 726f646fc666f

My new system is SuSE 7.3, and there are not Ximian
version available yet, for this reason I use Evolution
0.99.2 (last update from SuSE).  My previous systems
was SuSE 7.0 and Evolution 1.0.

Can you tell me if I need additional package to be
installed to desencrypt data and access addressbook?

Can you tell me the best way to have all my Evolution
data ready again?  (remember my previous version was
1.0 and now I have 0.99.2)

Thank You


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