Re: [Evolution] Euro =?windows-1251?Q?=28=88=29?= support in 1.0

On Mon, 2002-01-07 at 21:01, Janus Christensen wrote:

I finally managed to get the Euro sign working in the compose window
(and in most other X apps, GTK or Xt). The problem appears to be that if
the LANG variable is set to some locale that uses iso-8859-1 instead of
iso-8859-15 (e.g., en_US), no Euro can be typed, even if the character
set in the compose window is set to iso-8859-15. BTW, this is also the
case with any other app (e.g. xterm). I would say that this is a bug in
glibc locale definitions. The only english locale based on iso-8859-15
that I could find is en_IE euro (Ireland), so I changed to that (i.e.
LANG=en_IE euro) and now I can type the Euro sign even though I'm using
english :-)

That sounds very interesting. I'll try it out next thing.

I have just tried it out in this manner: from a gnome-terminal window I

  export LANG=en_IR euro

and then I open a new gnome-terminal window


which should make the new terminal inherit the environment and it seems
to do so too, but I get:

  Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library

Which gets me no further. I know this is OT, and many apologies for it,
but how can I check which locales I have access to? And some pointers on
how to install more than I have would be nice.
Janus Christensen ______________________________________________________
I want something that'll give me the stamina of a young werewolf, the
vision of a shaman, the thoughts of a serial killer and the gentleness
of a hungry vampire bat.  --  Spider Jerusalem, Transmetropolitan

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