Re: [Evolution] Problems with LDAP to MS Exchange server in Evolution 1.2

Oh I still suspect evolution too :)

There's a bug in 1.2 (god i wish 1.2.1 would hurry up :)  where scopes
were being saved incorrectly when the ldap server is created.  The
scopes were being mapped incorrectly from the UI to the url, with "sub"
being stored as "one", and "one" being stored as "base".  Existing
servers that were created before the bug will still work fine, it only
affects ones created/editted since 1.2.

1.2.1 fixes the problem, and adds much better diagnostics about things
that go on the ldap backend, so if you built from source you can just
update the to whatever is most recent on the evolution-1-2-branch and go
with that.  If you aren't building from source and want to make sure
you're doing a "sub" search, you can killev, then (ugh, i know) hand
edit the file ~/evolution/addressbook-sources.xml.  You'll see something


"base" (not recommended obviously :), "one", and "sub" are legal there.

That filter seems odd too... i wonder why we're wrapping that | in a &..

hmm, strange.  I just reread your message and you said that evolution
tried to do a "sub" query?  Is this after you edited the ldap server
using the ui?


On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 08:29, Matt Larson wrote:
On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 13:21, Chris Toshok wrote:
You can run wombat in its own terminal (run killev then start wombat
then run evolution as normal.)  That should produce some debug output
(specifically the filters used and the ldap search response.)

OK, I got wombat to stay running, but the output isn't particularly

  chinook:~ $ wombat
  wombat-Message: Starting wombat
  Wombat up and running
  backend_last_client_gone_cb() called!
  backend_last_client_gone_cb() called!
  wombat-pas-Message: libldap vendor/version: OpenLDAP  2.00.11
  wombat-pas-Message: extensions present:
  wombat-pas-Message: X_OPENLDAP
  wombat-pas-Message: X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS

  wombat-pas-WARNING **: unhandled value for use_tls, not using it
  wombat-pas-Message: supported server control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319
  wombat-pas-Message: supported server control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.417
  wombat-pas-Message: supported server control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.529
  searching server using filter: (& (|(cn=Larson*)(sn=Larson*)) )

  wombat-pas-WARNING **: search returned 0

I've verified that my LDAP server does return data for this query, e.g.
this URL works fine in IE:


That's cutting and pasting the exact query that wombat says evolution
sent (and for which wombat says "search returned 0").  I have configured
my LDAP server in evolution with the same DN (o=VERISIGN) as the URL
above and for a "sub" search, just like the URL.

I'm afraid I still suspect evolution.  Has anyone else made evolution
talk to an MS Exchange LDAP server?

Thanks for any help,


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