Re: [Evolution] Problems with LDAP to MS Exchange server in Evolution 1.2

You can run wombat in its own terminal (run killev then start wombat
then run evolution as normal.)  That should produce some debug output
(specifically the filters used and the ldap search response.)


On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 07:03, Matt Larson wrote:
Hi, folks.

My Evolution 1.2 doesn't query an MS Exchange LDAP server.  Any queries
just hang with a "Searching...(...)" at the bottom of the main window. 
Other LDAP clients can query the same server successfully, so I believe
this to be an Evolution issue.  Clicking "Show Supported Bases" in the
configuration window produces a list of possible search bases, so it is
at least talking to the server.  Changing the search base and scope have
no effect--every query just hangs, nevers times out and doesn't produce
any error.

Also, I don't seem to be able to change the search timeout from the
default of 2:30.

Is there any logging that can be enabled or any other way to tell what's
going on?  My next step is firing up a packet sniffer, I guess.

Thanks for any help, and thanks for a great program!


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