Re: [Evolution] Sync Palm with 1.2 and Redhat 8 Problems

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Gordon" <mtgordon ximian com>
To: "Harry Fine" <harry finefam ca>
Cc: <evolution ximian com>
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Sync Palm with 1.2 and Redhat 8 Problems

On Sun, 2002-12-01 at 22:31, Harry Fine wrote:

First time posting to this list, so I hope I'm clear.  I have read
NOvember and December's list, and see I'm not alone with problems
syncing my Palm with Evolution.

I can connect with the pilot-xfer command.  First I press the hotsync
button, then I very quickly type the approprate pilot-xfer command,
and it will sync to the appropriate directory.

however, I can't get it to sync with Evolution.  With 1.08, I just
pressed the button, and it worked.  I could see all the updated
entries in addresses and datebook in the Evolution program.  Now, I
can use pilot-xfer to back up the files, but I can't see the changes
in Evolution.

I'm hearing lots of different theories, and I'm sure it's being worked
on, but is there anyone with a workaround that works NOW, so I can
keep Evolution and my Palm in sync.

I'm connected with a USB cradle, and have linked /dev/pilot to
/dev/ttyUSB1.  I have the permissions set properly.  Not only doesn't
it sync, but I can't even run the wizard that runs first time.  When
it asks you to press the hotsync button to get info from the Palm, it

I read in one post in the archive that there should be a /dev/cradle.
Is that true?
Should I have gpilotd running all the time.  It does not run by
default at boot time.


Harry Fine
Toronto, Ontario Canada

You mentioned pretty much everything except whether you had the
evolution-pilot package installed.  If you don't, that's your problem.

Absolutely MarK, I have the evolution-pilot package installed.  I have all
the following.  The Red Carpet upgrade seemed to replace all the generic
pilot-link stuff with Ximian files.


Harry Fine

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