Re: [Evolution] Mail list display

I'd like that as well. That the Name only was shown in the browsing top
window (or mail if name not present).

what if 2 (or more) people have the same name? or what if the same
person has different email addresses and you care about which one he
sent from (business vs personal?)?

First, a regular name with two words plus an adress gets so long it ends
up never beeing fully shown anyway.

Then, i can easily from content who is who, as well as i filter all my
incoming mail to folders, per project, and even per person.

More importantly, the e-mail, as i indicated, does *show* up in the
preview window below as well as in reply time composing window.

But i the browser column it's just redundant and most of the times
barely appears due to name length.

We already see the email on the down preview name. I also agree when
composing e-mails email address should appear.

But on browser showing name then emails under <> is just space wasting
and sloppy. You end up always having it all ending up in "..."

you can always just make the coumn narrower

That's why it ends up with "..." in the end. If one's making it narrower
anway what's the point of having redundant info in there which isn't
even seen for lack of space.

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