Re: [Evolution] Evo News?

On Fri, 2002-08-23 at 08:06, Tobias Schleinkofer wrote:
1.0.x and both have preliminary support for it if you enable it
in the build process, but neither are complete.

Yes that would very nice indeed. Although a lot of work would be
required for a news reader than can compete with the current offers such
as Pan.

I suppose that's true. It would just be nice for it all to be in one
package. But, I understand the resistance against bloating Evo and the
common open source model of one program doing one thing and doing that
one thing well.

hmm, why then not make a ... let's say ... "evolution express" which
includes a newsreader and lacks of contacts and calender? *scnr* :)

removing the calendar? what? Evolution without the calendar is like a
garden without flowers :-)

hmm that resistance is indeed understandable (if there _is_ such a
resistance). but as everwhere: let the customer decide. and i have seen
(here and elsewhere on the web) many requests calling for a newsreader
implementation in evo. probably mainly beause they want it to be "the
better outlook". i must admit that i think the same although i use pan.

well, I don't think there is resistance to having a newsreader in
evolution. It's just that nobody has written good support for it, AFAIK,
and no Ximian employee has been assigned to that task.

what would be really nice is to have the different components
installable in their own packages, so that users can choose whether they
want the contacts, the newsreader, etc or not. Of course, in that case,
the calendar should be a dependency of all of them :-)

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo ximian com>

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