[Evolution] saving messages


When I save a message I am prompted for a filename (obviously) but
unlike with other apps there's no list of supported file formats.  So
far I've simply saved the messages as *.txt or without extension because
the saved files appear to be plain text.

First question: what is the 'default' file format used for saving
messages? By this I mean: "is there something like .rtf for e-mail?"

Second question: Is it possible to save the headers and body of a
message without the attachment(s)? I can save the attachments using the
drop-down list and I would like to save the rest of the mail separately.
right now the saved message contains a lot of rubbish where the
attachment appears to have been transformed into plain text.

 #            Mertens Bram "M8ram"  <bram-mertens linux be>            #
 #     Registered [Red Hat] Linux User # 249103 since Octobre 2000     #
 #   http://linux.be | http://www.redhat.com | http://counter.li.org   #
 #  Red Hat Linux 7.3  KDE 3.0.0-10  kernel 2.4.18-3  i686  128MB RAM  #

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