Re: [Evolution] must i have internet connection to install evolution ?

try just using rpm -i *.rpm

On Mon, 2002-08-05 at 17:01, Melissa Seow wrote:
I have downloaded the Evolution package from my distribution, RH Linux
7.1.  I run the installer called installer-rpm-glibc2.2-i386. I
selectect the installation source from local media and to install
Ximian-Evolution only.  However, i gave me the following error
ERROR : Unable to resolve the deps server. Please ensure that your
network connection is working properly.
must i have internet connection to install evolution ?  if i do not
have the connection, what other way can i install evolution only ?
Thank you and regards,
Melissa Seow
IT Department, HLFB
Tel : 03-20310661, 20789209
Fax : 03-20311797

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