Re: [Evolution] Filtering incomming messages with IMAP mailbox

On Fri, 2002-08-02 at 15:06, Nick Jennings wrote:
 Whenever I start up evolution, or when I click on a "non mailbox"
folder (meaning, i don't keep mail in it, just more folders) I get an
error 'No such folder <foldername>'. I think this is because the IMAP
server hasn't created it as a folder since no mail has gone into it, so
aside from creating some black message to keep in there to avoid the
annoying error messages, how can I stop these messages from popping up?

Don't click on those folders? :-)

Anyway, it shouldn't be giving that error message... can you get a trace
of the conversation with the IMAP server? Look on for
instructions if you need them.


Peter Williams     peter newton cx / peterw ximian com

"Why should I have to change my name? He's the one who 
sucks!"                              -- Michael Bolton

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