Re: [Evolution] Evolution and Lotus Domino servers?

Has IMAP been enabled on the server?

I'm guessing here its an option, and it hasn't been turned on ...

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 12:39, muppet wrote:

the ximian pages touting evolution allude to its ability to connect to 
lotus domino servers using imap.  i R'd TFM and the faq and a few 
months' worth of thread names and found no clues as to *how* to do that.

simply pointing evolution to my mail server's dns name didn't work 
("Connection refused" without SSL, "Operation in progress" with).

i am without clue.

any pointers?


more info:
from windoze i am shackled with notes R4.6.
i know the server name.
that's about it.

what do i need to know, where should i look, what can i read, what 
questions should i ask of the IT people, that sort of thing...

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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