Re: [Evolution] Bogus time

On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 11:23, Alessio Bragadini wrote:
On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 12:15, Jeremy Prior wrote:

Why does evolution think I'm running 2 hours ahead of GMT when I'm only
running 1?

Any ideas?

Did you start Evo before or after the DST change ten days ago?Maybe
that information is cached...

I started it this morning.  This is on a laptop that I carry to/from
work every day, and so I quit and restart evolution each time.

My copy of Evo did it fine (from +2 to +3) but I routinely switch it off
during weekends.

I've just been through my "Sent" folder and it's being doing this since
April 1st!  Our DST switch was Mar 31st (but then I didn't send any
email on Sunday :-) so this may well be connected.  Before that, it was
getting the date correct (GMT +0000).

Why would Evo being doing its own DST conversion?

      Jeremy Prior  <jez netcraft com>
 Netcraft Ltd, Treenwood Ho, Rowden La, Bradford-on-Avon, BA15 2AZ. UK
       Tel: +44-1225-867932 (direct-dial)  Fax: +44-1225-867700

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