Re: [Evolution] Compose/Preview Font Size

on a similar note, I've often seen evolution crash (this was pre version
0.15, i believe, but I haven't tested since) upon the changing of fonts
in the control center whilst evolution is open.  can anyone else confirm
this, or was my computer temporarily smoking crack?

also...  how does one go about changing the font used to display the
folder tree view or the message header list view.

and, perhaps more importantly, the color of the font used to display the
currently open folder summary text (i.e. Inbox:   0unread messages out
of X total messages) that appears between the toolbar and the top of the
folder tree/message header panes.  I use a GTK+ theme with a white
background/menubar color, and the white color of this text makes it
impossible to read.


On Fri, 2001-10-12 at 10:20, Eric Lambart wrote:
Have you tried restarting Evolution after each font change?  IIRC, that
should take care of it...


On Fri, 2001-10-12 at 08:55, John Welch wrote:
  I am currently using Evolution 0.15.99 with KDE version 2.2.1.  I am
having trouble changing the font size/type that is used in both the
message preview display and also in the compose window.  A search of the
Ximian Knowledge Base for help with this indicates that in order to
change the font size I should go into Gnome Control Panel, and change
the font under the "HTML Viewer" section.  I have done this several
times without any luck.  The only affect I see when I do this is that
the message header (From:, To:, Subject:, etc.) changes, but not the
actual message text.  And nothing I do changes anything in the Compose
New Message display.  I am using control-center-  Any
help in addressing this problem would be greatly appreciated.  The text
in these windows is extremely small.  Other than that I love the
program.  Each release gets better and better.

John Welch
Systems Analyst
Brockway-Smith Co.

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