Re: [Evolution] can't move my folders around ..

I have a similar behaviour, but not for *all* folders, i.e.
I *can* some folders to some other, but not all combinations
work. Did not found any rules yet.

On Fri, 2001-11-23 at 13:41, Victor Hadianto wrote:

I have around 40 folders under my local folder. I can create new folder
still, but it seems I can't move my folder around, I mean change a
folder to become a subfolder of another folder.

Has anyone seen the similar behaviour?

I have just draged and droped a folder and it worked fine...  

  Rob Brown-Bayliss

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

Dipl. Inf. (FH) Stefan Palme

email: kleiner77 gmx net
phon:  +49 341 3910484
fax:   +49 1212 517956219

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