Re: [Evolution] RC2 still broken

On Sun, 2001-11-18 at 23:46, Ralph Sanford wrote:
Something is out of whack here.  This computer never had any PGP 2.6.x
versions installed in any OS: so if Evo saw a PGP 2.6.x binary it was
Older versions of Evolution detected PGP 6.5.8 as PGP 2.6.x, so you're
probably right - there was probably never a pgp 2.6.x on your system.

However I checked to be sure some package did not sneak PGP 2.6.x in as
a dependency or whatever and my system remains clean with just a single
version of PGP 6.5.8i.   In an effort to try your fix I went to the Evo
account setup and changed the binary from PGP to other and then tried to
change it back to /usr/bin/pgp.  Evo refused to accept and retain the
change to pgp!  At this point the fun is definitely gone.  PGP 6.5.8 is
there, it works, and my copy of Evo denies it. Have no idea what caused
this, but I not interested in playing anymore.
I have no idea why it didn't work for you, I was able to flip between
pgp 2.6.x, pgp 5.x, pgp 6.5.8 and gpg and it never once failed to
detected which version it really was.

Grabbed the pgp keyrings moved them into gnupg which is loaded by
default on SuSE, some quick tweaking and Evo can again read encrypted
messages.  BTW Evo seems to remember the gnupg passphrase for the
complete (pgp was iffy) 
I don't see how this could have been the case, they use the exact same
code path.

and the signature report from gnupg appears to
have better qualitative content than the previous PGP signature reports.
We just print everything that the pgp binary writes to stderr or
whatever, we don't treat gpg more special than any other pgp program.


Ralph Sanford       -       If your government does not trust you,
rsanford telusplanet net   -   should you trust your government?

DH/DSS Key   -   0x7A1BEA01

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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