[Evolution] Strange, strange bug (maybe)

This is so strange that I don't even know if I should file this:

I played around with making a list in contacts, dragging contacts to the
list. Then I removed the new list. I then went to summary, and played
with the feeds, reducing the number of items to five, then four, and
trying a couple news feeds I don't use, then removing them again.
Sometime around this point the animation of a dragged item popping back
to its original place (an icon of a sheet of paper streaking across the
screen) started going, about once every three seconds or so. From lower
middle right of the screen (where I had the contact list window open) up
to upper left somewhere - remember, I'm in the Summary pane. I switched
desktop to check something out in Galeon, and the animation sequence
continued, but less frequently, and from approximately center of the
screen to middle upper right. When I came back to evolution and hit 'new
message', it seems to have stopped. I can't reproduce this (at least not
so far).

Should I even file this as a bug, or should I just file it under "things
that happen if I don't sacrifice a black goat to the gods of computing"?

Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.

Mr. Jan Morén                          Dept. of Cognitive Science
Tel. +46-046 222 8588                  Kungshuset, Lund
Fax. +46-046 222 9758                  S-222 22 Lund, Sweden

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