Re: [Evolution] disconnected IMAP

Both of these have been filed for some time; the second one is probably
a low triple digit bug.

On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 05:22, Ross Burton wrote:
On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 09:47, Eamonn Hamilton wrote:
I've  a couple of questions regarding IMAP operation with RC1 of
evolution as provided in Debian unstable. Is it possible to start
evolution in disconnected mode and browse the messages you downloaded in
the last session  before going online later? I'm running a laptop, so I
sometimes want to browse my mail without having been connected in the
evo session.
That would be nice wouldn't it.  I think maybe a command-line option
"evolution --disconnected" or something similar to start offline would
be good.

Also, is it possible to view the calendar folder offered by Exchange via
IMAP as a calendar? At the moment it all appears as a series of
messages, as do tasks etcetc. Is it possible to assign custom views to
these folders which would allow correct interpretation of the contents?
That would be so nice, especially if Evolution could use IMAP folders
for calendar/tasks without requiring an Exchange server.

If I were you I'd file wish list bugs for both of these at!

Ross Burton                     Software Engineer
OneEighty Software Ltd          Tel: +44 20 8680 8712
Cygnet House                    Fax: +44 20 8680 8453
12-14 Sydenham Road             r burton 180sw com
Croydon, Surrey CR9 2ET, UK
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