[Evolution] Spell Checking

Hello all,
  I am having a problem with spell checking when composing a message in
Evolution.  When I mis-spell a word it is highlighted/underlined, which
is the action I expect.  However, I don't see any way to bring up a list
of suggested corrections.  I've looked at all of the icons and checked
all of the possible menu selections and I don't see anything related to
spell-checking.  I've also tried various clicks on the mis-spelled word
but they do not appear to bring up and spelling options either.  I did a
search on the Knowledge Base and found one related hit.  According to
that answer the only requirement is to have the gnome-spell component
installed, which I do have.  These are the various spelling packages
that I have installed:


I am currently running Evolution RC 1.0 under Red Hat 7.1.  I think I
saw a spell-check icon or menu selection on one of the previous versions
of Evolution that I was running, but I'm not sure which version, or
whether or not it actually existed; I may be confusing it with some
other application.  I know that it has been like this for at least the
last few version I have been running.

John Welch
Systems Analyst
Brockway-Smith Co.

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